Week 7 Q3


What we learn this week!


Spalding: We introduced the phonograms SI, TI, CI. Students used their pink notebook to write their new spelling words/sight words (today, look, did, like). Students started their cumulative test this week. We are not finished. We will continue testing next week. Please review and practice all phonograms learned since the beginning of the year, single, double, and three letter phonograms.

Reading reminders:

  • Your child should read to an adult as daily homework.
  • Practice sight words as daily homework. Assessments on Wednesdays.
  • Minimal goal by the end of third quarter, master 75 sight words. (5 sight words a week), but the sky is the limit!

Literature: Our poem this week is “Sing a Song of Sixpence”. On Monday, we read the story “The Bremen Town Musicians”. The students enjoyed the story! We also started our study of fables. The first fable we studied was “The Ants and The Grasshopper.” Students are creating a booklet with all the fables we will read.

Math: Students tested on their Math cumulative test for two days. At the end of the week, we started our Addition unit. Our first lesson was “Add two numbers together.

Science: Students learned how to take care of Earth. In class, we sorted things we can do to help our planet. Also, we created a mobile, and talked about acid rain. We placed some pennies in vinegar for an acid rain experiment and discussed the results in class.

History/Geography: During history class, we wrapped the unit by reviewing about the Pilgrims life. We compare their life to our modern life. We assessed and review all that we have learned from Pilgrims to Colonial times.


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