Week 2 Aug 9
Notes: Your child should bring a daily snack to school placed in the front or side pocket of the backpack. On Wednesdays, students can bring two snacks since it is half day and they will have their lunch later for that day. Remember, no juices/liquids, or food that will need utensils like forks or spoons.
If you want your child to tell you more about school, this are some ideas on how to ask them about their days:
o “Tell me two things you learned today.”
o “What was the best part of your day?”
o “What was challenging today for you?”
o “Tell me about what you did at recess today.”
What we learn this week!
Spalding: This week, students were introduced to Spalding. We explained that spoken words are made of individual sounds called phonograms, and we will learn how to hear and write those sounds. Students learned how to sit down with head high, back straight, hips back, slant the paper, and the pencil grip. All of these will help us have very neat handwriting. We learned and practiced the clock stroke, and the short line stroke.
Literature: For literature this week we read the story of the “Three Little
Pigs”. Students learned about the setting and characters of the story. Ask your
children to retell the story to you and which characters they like the most and
why. Finally, on Friday, we read “The Very Busy Spider” and discussed about Perseverance
virtue. All the virtues can be addressed and reinforced at home when the
opportunity arises.
Math: Students are getting familiar with our calendar routine,
recognizing the days of the week and months of the year. These first lessons are
a numbers review from zero to five. Practice at home how to count using
different items from home.
Science: For Science, we continued studying about animal pets.
Also, we introduced farm animals and how they are different from pets.
History/Geography: Students learned about what is a map and a globe. They are learning what is a compass rose and the four cardinal directions. Lastly, we worked with map keys and how to identify them on a map.
Mark your calendars!
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