Week 7 Sep 15
Dear families,
We are enjoying each other in the classroom! Friendships
are growing at school and students are feeling comfortable in the school
environment. Students are learning when to be social, and when to concentrate
on schoolwork. As I mentioned before, this is a learning process. In the
classroom, we are talking about all the virtues, courage, responsibility,
citizenship, honesty, integrity, and friendship. Whenever the opportunity
arises, you can have family conversations at home about these virtues. Students
need to be educated on their minds and souls.
Thank you!
Mrs. Bernal
we learn this week!
Notes: Spalding cumulative test will start next week assessing the first 26 phonograms. You can practice at home by saying the phonogram (do not show the flash card) and students writing the correct phonogram on paper.
Literature: Our poem this week was Jack and Jill! Most of the
students already were exposed to it. They got very excited about knowing it
already. On Monday, we read the classic story Corduroy. After the reading we
identify the story elements for Corduroy. A great discussion about friendship
happened with our Tuesday story, The Rainbow Fish. Students created their own
Rainbow Fish with one shiny scale. The other scales were shared with other fish
from the ocean. Wednesday, we read Harold and The Purple Crayon. We continued
our study on nouns from last week, and finally, on Friday, we studied the story
How Many Spots Does a Leopard Have? Great literature this week! Your child
would love to retell all the stories to you.
Math: Last week we finished our second chapter for math.
You received the home connections paper for third chapter. Students started the
study of numbers beyond 5 (6, 7, 8, 9, and 10). This first phase consists of
counting and showing the number with manipulatives, items, or pictures.
Science: Fall season will be here very soon! It is one of my
favorite seasons! Talking about seasons, this week we studied the four seasons
of the year. We shared which one is our favorite season, why seasons changed,
and how food from the farm gets to our tables. Harvest season was explained,
and students were engaged and curious about it. On Friday, we created a
deciduous tree quilt showing the four seasons.
History/Geography: For history, we are still traveling in South America! We are exploring the Amazon Rainforest, the layers of it, and the animals that live in this beautiful place. This week the Spider Monkey and Scarlet Macaw were the rainforest animals we studied. Ask your child about some interesting facts.
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