Week 8 Sep 20


Dear families,

It is a joy for me to come to work every day! It is a pleasure to work with happy and healthy children! They are energetic and curious about everything we talk about in class!

One more week for the first quarter to finish! We have assessed students in all areas. We will share all the growth with you during parent-teacher’s conferences. These kindergartens are working very hard and learning from every experience. Your support at home is an important key to your child’s academic success. Thank you for all that you do at home!

Thank you!

Mrs. Bernal

What we learn this week!

Notes: Please use this link if you are willing to help with reading and reading bags in the classroom starting after fall break: Reading Volunteers Link Remember, you need to complete the volunteer process first to be able to volunteer.

Spalding: This week, students learned this phonograms T U V W X. We are learning how to sound out all the sounds students hear in some words, and then blend them together orally. That is a skill you can practice casually at home with CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant). Some examples are cat, mug, bed, sit, dig, etc. Review all the phonograms learned at home for a successful cumulative test. You can say the phonogram and then ask your child to write it on a piece of paper.

Literature: Our poem this week was “Hey Diddle Diddle”! For Monday, we read “The Story of the Jumping Mouse” and students created their own mouse. On Tuesday, we read “The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush”. After the reading, students worked on their own piece of art using watercolors and a paintbrush. For Wednesday, we read “Arrow to the Sun”, and have a wonderful conversation about courage virtue. Ask your child about it! Also, throughout the week we worked on beginning sounds, opposites, plural, nouns, and we discussed the meaning of the saying “Better Safe than Sorry”.

Math: This week everything was about number 10! We explored how to recognize it, how to count it, how to make number 10 using different ways, and how to write it. We reviewed all the numbers from zero to ten and practiced how to write them all. Students learned how to count backwards from 10 to 0.

Science: What an exciting week! Students learned about the life cycle of the frog! We compared the traits of a frog and a toad. Also, we studied amphibians’ traits. Students were so interested in this week’s science theme!

History/Geography: For history, we are visiting Europe! Students learned about Germany, France, England, and Italy. We identify the flags, landmarks, and cultural facts about each country. We are excited to see which continent will be after Europe.


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