Week 3 Aug 16

What we learn this week!

Notes: Students will test every Friday for the phonograms learned that week. Neat handwriting will be considered. Remember, these are the foundations for a nice and clean handwriting. Spalding phonograms will start next week.

Spalding: For Spalding, we are still practicing the clock stroke, reinforcing to start on “2 on the clock”, go up and around. For the short and tall line, we reinforced to start on the top line or midpoint and go down. These two strokes (short and tall line) are written from top to bottom. Also, we learned the horizontal and diagonal line stroke. Finally, students shown all they have learned during our Friday quiz for strokes.

This week for literature we read the story of “Chester’s Way”. After the reading, we talked about how to be a good friend and how to practice friendship. Students were able to identify when someone is a “Sweet friend” or a “Sour friend”. On Tuesday, we read one of the classicals, “Little Red Hen”. Students identified the characters and setting of the story. We talked about the sequence of the story and created a sequence strip. We worked with rhyming words and read the story “Are You, My Mother?”.

Math: Our study for number from zero to five is still happening! Students practice how to place numbers in the correct order, identify the numbers written form and practice how to write it. Students can practice how to count objects at home, at the grocery store, the park, almost anywhere! Your child can help you write how many of each item at home.

Apples, apples, apples!! Our apples unit started this week! Students used their 5 senses to explore apples. It was fun to taste those apples! We learned how an apple tree changes through out the different seasons, the life cycle of an apple, and the parts of an apple.

History/Geography: We started our study for the 7 continents. Ask your child, how many continents we have? Do you remember the names of each continent? Also, they know we have 5 oceans. Our first stop was North America! Students learned that Mexico, Canada, and the United States of America are part of North America Continent. Students understood that a continent is bigger than a country, and they can identified North America on a map.


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