Week 4 Aug 23

Dear families,

I am so proud of these scholars! Their first week with Spalding phonograms went well! They are so excited about doing the hand motions! Thank you for your support at home!

For the next several months, we will be going through each of the seven continents of the world and many of the countries within them. We started with our own continent and our own country this past week. Next week we will move on to Mexico. I love the continents-study because we have an opportunity to learn about different cultures from around the world. Every year, I have several students in the Kindergarten class who have parents from different countries. It is wonderful to invite parents to come in and share a presentation about the countries they are from. If you are from a country other than the United States and are willing to give a short presentation (15 minutes) about your country, please email me, so we can set up a day for you to share with us. Parents have brought in pictures, costumes, music, souvenirs, anything they can think of to share their culture with the class. Unfortunately, no food, please-- due to allergies.

Mrs. Bernal

What we learn this week!


Notes: Students will test every Friday for the phonograms learned that week. Neat handwriting will be considered. Remember, these are the foundations for a nice and clean handwriting.

Please send a water bottle and snack daily (front pocket of their backpack, not in lunch box).

Spalding: This week, students were introduced to phonograms: A C D F. While writing, we are encouraging students to write neatly reviewing the strokes they already learned. On Friday, students had their first phonogram assessment. At home, when doing Spalding homework, please reinforce a neat Spalding handwriting.

Literature: On Monday, we read Henny Penny story, and created a hen craft. On Tuesday, students learned how to identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Your child can retell the story to you by identifying these parts. Wednesday, we had so much fun! We read Harry the Dirty Dog. After the reading students created their own dirty dog. Ask them what we used to make it so dirty! Thursday, we read Caps for Sale! Friday, we read the fable Fox and the Stork to discuss the "Golden Rule", Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Kindergartens are learning how to be kind and great-hearted to their classmates. Please reinforce this concept at home.

Math: Students are still working on numbers from zero to five. They are counting, writing the numbers, and working on how to place the numbers in order. Also, during the calendar study, we are practicing the days of the week, months of the year, what was yesterday, what is today, what will be tomorrow. Whenever we have the opportunity, we count all the way to 20, look for the number before or after, or what number comes next. Students love to use manipulatives during math class! Keep counting at home!

Science: This week, students were "Apple Investigators". We were researching apples facts and information. Students created an apple boat! We were really scientists! We measured, weighted, and count the seeds inside an apple.

History/Geography: This week we read the book "Me on the Map". Students  created a flap book with the concepts we learned from the book for find themselves in this magic world. As a class, we went from  finding our house, our street, our city, state, country, continent, and finally, our world.


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