Week 6 Q4


What we learn this week!

Spalding: All week, students performed their phonogram cumulative test with 55 phonograms from kindergarten. The test will continue next week. Also, for fourth quarter, students will have a Spelling cumulative test with all the spelling words learned in kindergarten. Please continue practicing at home, phonograms, and spelling words with markings. Students used their pink notebook to write their new spelling words/sight words (hot, hat, child).

Reading reminders:

  • Your child should read to an adult as daily homework.
  • Practice sight words as daily homework. Assessments on Wednesdays.
  • Minimal goal by the end of fourth quarter, master 100 sight words, but the sky is the limit! Students will grow confidence for first grade when they master the sight words.

Literature: Our poem this week is “Roses are Red”. This week we read “Mouse Soup” book. Students created a mouse cover for their journal, and we discussed the story, identifying characters, setting, and comprehension details from the story. We reviewed how a sentence needs to start with a capital letter and end with punctuation. Ask your child to show you the “Sentence Guy” craft.

Math: Students are learning when to use addition or subtraction to solve a word problem. We practiced how to add or subtract with 2 numbers. Also, we identified numbers to 100 randomly, and counted by 10’s.

Science: We reviewed the life cycle of a plant with all the scientific vocabulary. We experimented by creating a green house and explained the process of a green house. We talked about plants that grow above or below the ground. Also, students discussed how they know they are growing. Finally, on Friday, we started our insect unit.

History/Geography: After studying the biographies of Jane Goodall, and George Washington Carver, students studied Mother Teres, and the Wright Brothers. We created a journal of all these famous people. Ask your children about what they learned from these personalities!


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