Week 3 Q2

Dear families, We are finishing October! This quarter will be busy with activities and academic learning. Character day is next week on Wednesday! Thank you to all the volunteers that helped us with reading and our Thursday Push and Pulls activity. Thank you, Mrs. Bernal What we learn this week! Spalding: Two letter phonograms OW, CH, AR were introduced. Remember to underline the two letter phonograms. This marking states that these are two letter phonograms making one sound. We reviewed D and F from the previous first 26 phonograms. Students used their pink notebook to write their new spelling words/sight words ( a, it, is, she ). Reading: Your child should read to an adult as daily homework, along with practicing the sight words. Remember students should read the whole word unless they are not sure about the word, ask your child to use their phonograms to sound out each letter to figure out the word. Sight words assessment is on Wednesdays. When stud...