
Showing posts from September, 2024

Week 9 Sep 27

Dear families, Children have a natural curiosity and want to know more about everything. Is our job to keep their curiosity and nurture lifelong learners. Take the time to read fiction and non-fiction books to your child. Explore nature and spend time outdoors. Reflect about situations and how to learn from every experience. We need to teach students to learn how to learn. Enjoy every moment with your child! Mrs. Bernal What we learn this week! Notes: Please sing up for Parent-Teacher conferences using this link:  Parent-Teacher Conference  During conferences we will discuss your child's academic progress. Conferences will take place Tuesday October 8 and Wednesday October 9 after school (just a few for this day). Spalding:  The only two phonograms taught this week were Y and Z. Y has three sounds and can be a challenge for some students. Also, our cumulative test ended this week. We tested all the phonograms learned in first quarter. Coming back from fall b...

Week 8 Sep 20

  Dear families, It is a joy for me to come to work every day! It is a pleasure to work with happy and healthy children! They are energetic and curious about everything we talk about in class! One more week for the first quarter to finish! We have assessed students in all areas. We will share all the growth with you during parent-teacher’s conferences. These kindergartens are working very hard and learning from every experience. Your support at home is an important key to your child’s academic success. Thank you for all that you do at home! Thank you! Mrs. Bernal What we learn this week! Notes: Please use this link if you are willing to help with reading and reading bags in the classroom starting after fall break:  Reading Volunteers Link  Remember, you need to complete the volunteer process first to be able to volunteer. Spalding:  This week, students learned this phonograms T U V W X. We are learning how to sound out all the sounds students hear in so...

Week 7 Sep 15

  Dear families, We are enjoying each other in the classroom! Friendships are growing at school and students are feeling comfortable in the school environment. Students are learning when to be social, and when to concentrate on schoolwork. As I mentioned before, this is a learning process. In the classroom, we are talking about all the virtues, courage, responsibility, citizenship, honesty, integrity, and friendship. Whenever the opportunity arises, you can have family conversations at home about these virtues. Students need to be educated on their minds and souls. Thank you! Mrs. Bernal What we learn this week! Notes: Spalding cumulative test will start next week assessing the first 26 phonograms. You can practice at home by saying the phonogram (do not show the flash card) and students writing the correct phonogram on paper. Students are gearing up for their first official Kingdom meeting of the Quarter on Wednesday, September 25th. During this exciting event, our Knigh...

Week 6 Sep 8

Dear families, We are in the middle of the first quarter. Students are progressing accordingly. Kindergartens develop so many skills in one year. This week, several times, I overheard some students saying, “I love school!”. Kindergarten is a grade level with many hopes and expectations for the families but, also anxiety. Parents, trust the process; we all just need time and practice. If you are teaching your child how to ride a bike, you know it will take time for your child to really master how to ride a bike. Mrs. Bernal What we learn this week! Notes: Please practice all the phonograms at home. At the end of the quarter, students will perform a cumulative test on all the 26 phonograms learned during the first quarter. Remember, proper Spalding handwriting is one point for each phonogram. Spalding:  This week, students were introduced to phonograms: H I J K. Our stack of learned phonograms is getting bigger! Daily, we practice all the phonograms learned from before. At the ...